Sunday, October 29, 2006

It still feels like yesterday when Cal came home from the hospital. But it has been three full months and he is a growing boy. He has full control of his head now and is grabbing and reaching for things all the time. He babbles and giggles a lot and is full of smiles. He rolls easily from front to back and has rolled from back to front but not as often. He loves to stand up - with a little help - and wants to be walking already! He still loves his activity mat and is starting to spend some time in the Jumparoo even though his feet barely touch the ground. He tries to sit up a lot and can sit with support but not quite on his own yet.

He is a very happy guy most of the time and only cries when he is hungry or very sleepy. He weighs 12 pounds and is up to 24 inches long now! We can't believe how big he is getting. He is still breastfeeding - mom takes her pump with her to work and brings home milk every night (along with the bacon!). He is eating a lot lately and getting some formula, too, at most meals. He still sleeps 9-10 hours at night although he would prefer to do it in the swing instead of the crib. We are still working on that part but getting closer....

Here are some photos of the many faces of Cal at 3 months.


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