Saturday, March 15, 2008


Some fun photos of Griff at 2 months old. He is doing great and is still a very good baby. He is starting to sleep longer at night - his record is a 9 hour stretch but he usually keeps it to around 6 hours at a time. He is still a great eater and far outweighing his brother at this age - up to 14 lbs already! We've never bathed a baby with multiple rolls and creases before! He likes to be held a lot more than his brother did, too, and seems to be less physically active but more focused on people and toys. He is getting out a lot - this month we went to several birthday parties, bowling and to the rodeo as well as to our neighborhood park almost every day of every weekend. He is also a pretty good shopper as mom got him started early with that. Maternity leave is almost over and mom is not excited about leaving her little one to go back to work. Luckily, he got into a church day care about 6 blocks from our house which should make it a lot easier. He started smiling at 6 weeks old and also slept for 6 hours that week for the first time - right on schedule. Thank God the poopie diapers are slowing down as well. We've moved from one with every meal (and I mean EVERY meal) to about 4 a day. Some improvement. We predict the G-man will be a big love bug!


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