Friday, March 06, 2009


Well, there are good ideas and there are bad ideas. I'm not gonna say which one this was but.... We got everybody up early on a day when Mike was out of town (should have been my first sign of a BAD IDEA) and drove downtown to meet Gramma & Bippy for the Cowboy Breakfast which is the kick-off of the Austin Rodeo. They do a free breakfast on Auditorium Shores with lasso demonstrations, a saddled Longhorn, live music and lots of other fun stuff. Sounds great, right? WRONG. Cal has been especially clingy for some reason and I don't think he said anything other than "Hold Me, Momma" the entire time. Griffin might have said something but it was hard to make it out between high pitched squeals, crying, and growl of the chain saw carving demonstratio (no joke - who thought this was a good idea for kids?). Anyway, we did enjoy the generator-powered lights and view of the Town Lake. No one was willing to sit on the saddled Bevo long enough for a photo. Tough morning. Better luck next year....


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