Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm loosing track of what day this was dinner we met a racoon. Make that two racoons. Uncle Russ decided to feed them scraps from the table and one very obviously had just had babies and let's just say....she needed that food for her babies. A racoon fight ensure which most people will never have the pleasure of enjoying less than 3 feet from their precious 18 month old baby. It was super fun. Griff was mesmerized with the whole thing and couldn't stay away. Eventually they left but not until after Russ had trained them to sit up and beg on their hind legs. What an animal lover that Russ is! There's a good picture of Cal "sitting" at the table the one night we ate inside - it's also a good example of why we only did it one night.

I also got some shots of Gramma with the boys on the back of the golf card - their favorite place to ride. The lobby had a pool & foosball table which Cal learned how to play with daddy's help. We finally made it to the beach, too. Griff enjoyed the sand but had no interest in the waves & water. Too scary. Cal was about the same although he did explore the water a little, he didn't want to really swim in it. The day I brought my camera to the beach, it was SUPER windy and hard to get any good photos. So much for the Christmas card!

This was also the day that Gramma & Bippy kept the 3 boys while the parents went to see the ruins at Tulum. Very fascinating story the tour guide had to tell...but I could barely hear her over the roaring of the sea of sweat pouring over every inch of my body. Seriously, I don't think I've ever been so hot and not fainted. We took a big air-conditioned bus there and back (THANK GOD!) and got to see a little of Mexico. And did I mention the iguanas? They are the size of small dogs and almost as friendly. So enjoy these photos but rest assured that we felt like loaves of bread in an oven getting ready to explode the whole time.


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