Friday, November 28, 2008


Nana had the wonderful idea to schedule a professional family photo session while we had everybody gathered in Austin. So we got everyone up and dressed and showered with clean hair (we Meroneys are BIG on clean hair!) the day after Thanksgiving. The weather was another story. It was about 85 degrees and 99 percent humidity- no joke. When you see my hair, you will understand why this concerned me. It literally expanded by the moment like a Chia Pet - you could actually watch it grow. Anyway, a rain storm was coming so we had no choice but to brave the elements so we did and the results were great. Our friend Molly Quirk took the photos and did an unbelievable job, especially given the obstacles of my frizz fest and a very uncooperative 2 year old. Here are some good ones. Go to for more.


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