Monday, August 17, 2009


As summer wound down, momma began to feel the usual guilt about not doing all those sweet things that result in Kodak moments. So we picked up the kids from school on a Tuesday, drove through KFC and took a picnic to eat on the lawn of the Four Seasons and prepared to watch the bats afterward. Despite our good intentions, the kids had zero interest in the actual picnic - I think collectively they ate 3 bites of mac & cheese. Mom and dad enjoyed the heck out of their friend chicken and finally gave in to simply preventing the boys from killing themselves despite their best efforts. We finally made it up the hill and did actually see the bats fly - an Austin tradition from the Congress Avenue bridge. The kids did actually enjoy it - Cal spent a lot of time calling out to the bats before they flew to the effect of "Oh, BA-TS, wake uP! It's time for dinner!" Never tiring, we'll give it another try next year.


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