Thursday, January 21, 2010


We celebrated several days worth of birthday when Griffin turned 2. On the real day, he had his favorite cupcakes (which is ANY cupcake) with his school friends at snack time and his favorite teachers, Ms. Rosie and Ms. Melody who he loves and adores (and vice versa). The kids in the class are the cutest little bugs you ever saw.

The next day Cousin Russell, Aunt Amy & Uncle Russ came to Austin followed by Nana & Big Daddy. We had a small family celebration at the house - Griffin got more trucks (the only thing he cares about), two balls from the paci fairy (in exchange for giving up his paci) and a doctor kit. He helped unwrapped the gifts and loved playing with them. He also learned from Gramma & Bippy how to say he is "2" and holds up both index fingers of both hands to show it.

On Saturday, the whole family got up and took the kiddos to the Children's Museum for some entertainment. The electric choo-choo train with a whistle that runs on an elevated track was the biggest hit. We had lunch at Jaime's (an old Meroney family favorite) and came home for naps. Griffin's official birthday party was after that - we rented out Gymboree with all the bells and whistles and had (more) cupcakes and ice cream with 25 of Griffin's closest friends. Everyone was surprised when a special guest joined us - Mickey Mouse. Griff was enthralled with Mickey and loved every minute. Mom and dad were thrilled when it was over and they didn't have to clean up. Everyone slept well that night.


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