Sunday, April 04, 2010

The bunny came, the eggs were hidden, the baskets were filled, you know the drill. It rained that morning so we hunted eggs in our pajamas in the yard and the house. We made it to church and then lunch at River Place Country Club. Got our pictures taken with the bunny and collapsed at naptime. All of us. The boys were thrilled at their baskets - chocolate bunnies, PEEPS!, water guns, bendy bunnies, chirping chicks, and all sorts of fun. Griffin yelled out a victorious "I did it!" every time he found an egg. Cal, of course, always said "I found a better one, mommy. I found a bigger one. I found more eggs..." You get the gist. Do we have to win at EVERYTHING??? Apparently so. We have discovered the trick to getting the boys to church which is to promise them a ride on the shuttle bus - HUGE hit. It is their favorite part of Sunday mornings.


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