Saturday, March 27, 2010


Our Bippy is having a big birthday this year. The event warranted a celebration so we gathered the family and Bippy's closest friends in Austin together at Chez Meroney for a little dinner party featuring all of his favorites - steak, ceasar salad, cheesey potatoes and creme brulee cheesecake. Super yum. Uncle Russ, Aunt Amy & Russell came down for the occasion and the boys had their own little party in the gameroom while the big kids ate. They did come out to help sing & watch Bippy blow out candles. It was a quick trip but Cal & Griff are always up for a cousin fix so they had a blast with Russell. We haven't been swimming in a loooooong time and it is almost warm enough so everyone was pretty giddy to dip their toe in the water. Cal even got in up to his waist. Happy birthday, Bippy!! Good times....


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