Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's official - Cal is .33333 years old. He is growing like a weed and had a great check up (with more shots - boo!). Again, he did great with the shots, cried briefly and had a fussy night with some Tylenol for a low fever but felt like a champ the next day. He is long and lean right now - 25 inches long (60th percentile) and weighs 12 lbs 15 oz (15th percentile) but has started to eat significantly more recently and should plump up soon. He spends his days in the Jumperoo bouncing up a storm and in the Pack & Play with his Kick & Play toy that he loves. He rolls easily both directions and has been practicing his crawling moves during tummy time so he'll be ready when the time comes...yikes!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Texas vs. A&M Game
While we still can't talk about the results, Cal had a great time at his first big rivalry football game. The weather was beautiful and we all had fun, despite what the score would indicate. It's a rebuilding year...right?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

In anticipation of our marathon trip to 2 states over Christmas, we opted to stay home and enjoy a cozy Thanksgiving for 3 in Austin this year. Mike cooked a beautiful bird and Shannon helped with the trimmings. Cal had a great time carving up his first Thanksgiving turkey!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Cal survived and thrived in his first professional photo shoot. We got some definite keepers!

October brought lots of visitors. Cal got to see both sets of grandparents and show off some of his new big boy outfits. Take a look.