Saturday, March 29, 2008


Back in Austin, we took the boys to the Orange-White scrimmage game to prepare for football season. Cal loved the stadium but not the camera so much - don't distract me, mom!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Even though Cal didn't want to be more than 2 feet away from daddy the whole time we were in Arkansas, Nana and Big Daddy managed to pry him away for some fun at the park. The weather was great and monkey boy had a blast on all the new stuff.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


After our Santa disaster, we didn't even try to see the big bunny. But everybody made it to church in proper clothes with clean hair - a HUGE accomplishment. We had a nice lunch afterward with Nana Claire, Big Daddy Wayne, Aunt Christine and Uncle David. Then the boys enjoyed their baskets from Nana the bunny who did an awesome job! The wind-up chicken is still hopping around our house.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Both boys had a blast seeing and meeting the rest of the Meroney branch of the family. We saw Uncle David & Aunt Christine, Great Uncle Tommy, cousin John, Great Aunt Phoebe and lots of friends from Tommy's store. Speaking of the store, check out the video clip of Cal playing in the dressing rooms. I think we have a super shopper in the making!


He didn't quite understand the whole "bunny" concept, but Cal loved dying eggs and eating candy. He was a little too excited about the egg dying and preferred to keep the eggs moving constantly into a new color. As a result, we had a majority of dirt brown eggs but Cal still thought they were the bomb!

ON THE ROAD AGAIN...For the record, yes, we are crazy. But the Arkansas Meroneys were dying to meet Griffin so we took the boys on a road trip for Easter weekend. As usual, Griffin did great on his first plane trip and slept most of the time. Cal loved watching the "choo-choo" baggage carts load the airplane. Griffin met both of his great-grandmothers and they were so excited to see him.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mr, "Lucky and Charming" sure is enjoying his shamrock cookie! As this video shows, Cal has not quite mastered the art of Peek-a-boo, but you gotta gie him points for his love of the game....

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Some fun photos of Griff at 2 months old. He is doing great and is still a very good baby. He is starting to sleep longer at night - his record is a 9 hour stretch but he usually keeps it to around 6 hours at a time. He is still a great eater and far outweighing his brother at this age - up to 14 lbs already! We've never bathed a baby with multiple rolls and creases before! He likes to be held a lot more than his brother did, too, and seems to be less physically active but more focused on people and toys. He is getting out a lot - this month we went to several birthday parties, bowling and to the rodeo as well as to our neighborhood park almost every day of every weekend. He is also a pretty good shopper as mom got him started early with that. Maternity leave is almost over and mom is not excited about leaving her little one to go back to work. Luckily, he got into a church day care about 6 blocks from our house which should make it a lot easier. He started smiling at 6 weeks old and also slept for 6 hours that week for the first time - right on schedule. Thank God the poopie diapers are slowing down as well. We've moved from one with every meal (and I mean EVERY meal) to about 4 a day. Some improvement. We predict the G-man will be a big love bug!

The brother to brother love story continues - thank GOD. Cal is still crazy about his "baby" and dotes on him constantly. Here is a shot of the two boys chillin' in the big bed, Cal laying a big kiss on Griff, Cal holding Griff by himself for the first time, and the aftermath...