Sunday, April 12, 2009


We are finally down to the lick-log: dying and hunting eggs. Cal enjoyed the dyeing process. Griffin was just happy to be there. Easter morning was rainy & muggy so we had to hunt eggs inside. We had great plans to go to church but daddy wan't feeling well and we got a late start so with the rain, church didn't happen. It's a day for rookies anyway. We'll go next week. We had a nice home-cooked brunch with waffles & eggs & sausage & bacon. Our friend Aunt Meredith joined us and everyone had a blast. The boys played with their eggs filled with candy for weeks until mom packed it all up during naptime. Then they were forgotten. Funny how that happens.

Friday, April 10, 2009


The two go together like PB&J, right? Well, they do when the legislature doesn't meet on Good Friday which is always. Mike took Cal to a little muni golf course on Good Friday to introduce him to the sport. He was well-dressed but his form can use some work. The day before Cal's school had their Easter Egg Hunt on the playground and we got some photos of Cal filling his bucket (an old milk jug - we didn't say this was a GOOD school). These are just some fun photos from both.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


We took the boys to the UT Orange-White spring scrimmage game which was fun. The weather was gorgeous and we brought a stroller so we got to sit on the front row since it was open seating. The boys had a great view and loved watching the action and hearing the band (Griffin's favorite). Griffin danced a lot and Cal was very interested in who caught the ball. Since then he likes to run through the living room with a nerf ball while we do the play-by-play ending with the obligatory "TOUCHDOWN!!" and then he slides into the carpet and spikes the ball. Very cute.

Friday, April 03, 2009


This week Cal told us that he has two brothers, Griffin and Jack. But Griffin is his favorite. Which is convenient since Griffin is really his only brother. But Cal obviously likes the time he spends before and after school playing with Griff & Jack. Griff especially like kissing baby Jack. Maybe they're ready for another baby. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The boys are starting to really enjoy each other and Cal likes helping take care of his "little brother." Everyone says they look exactly alike right now so I thought it might be fun to look at some now and then photos. As well as some of Cal's new modeling portfolio photos. Enjoy.