Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post-Xmas in OKC

The boys had a blast playing with their cousin Russell in OKC after Xmas. Griff wore his Santa suit in the airport and was the hit of Southwest Airlines. There was more than a foot of snow on the ground by the time we got there so the kids were psyched about the snow. They watched movies, had snowball fights, had slumber parties in floor of the bar area of the house (yes, you read that right), and in the pop up deer feeder tent uncle Russ got for Xmas. We had a fun visit from our long lost cousin Toby and his wife Tina & little girl Ashlyn who had never met her cousins. But the best thing we did was go snow-tubing in the baseball stadium. Russell and Cal both did great and Cal even went down the "big boy" hill he was technically too short for. He took a while to warm up to it and watched with Gramma, Bippy & Griff (who never warmed up to it) the first few times we went down. After that, he was good to go. It was a great visit and some great memories were made.