Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's not here yet but...2 very bad things happened this week. #1 is demonstrated in the attached video clip. He's not climbing OUT of the crib yet but we figure that will soon come. The other is that Cal learned the "n" word - "no" - and also had his first full scale kick, scream, throw himself on the floor tantrum. We're in deep doo doo and the terrible 2's have begun - is that possible at 19 months??

Saturday, February 23, 2008

More fun video of Cal helping his brother - rocking him to sleep this time. Cal is nothing if not a rocker - check out these moves!


Just some fun pics of Cal and Griffin getting to know each other. Cal still LOVES having a "baby" and helping take care of him. He also likes to try out his stuff - thus the photos of Cal and Griff in the bassinette together. And don't miss this video of Cal helping Griffin with his pacifier - PRICELESS!

Saturday, February 16, 2008


These are some photos of Cal and Murphy Sampley who was born in the same hospital the day after Cal to our friends Kelly and Stuart Sampley. They brought her to the party for Griffin and it appears that she & Cal remembered each other. The last of these shows the after effects of their first kiss - note Cal's wide open mouth - atta boy!!


Our wonderful friends threw a little party to introduce Griffin to everyone and celebrate his arrival. He slept through most of the party but woke up for the last hour. It was a fun time for all, especially mom and dad who were thrilled to get cleaned up, out of the house, and have some adult conversation!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Here's a fun video of Cal and his brother Griffin getting ready for bedtime - sort of.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cal loves a bath - as long as it's full of bubbles. He won't get out so we have to drain all the water and wait until he gets cold enough. This video shows our bubble boy having fun after the water is gone. Super cute!

Friday, February 08, 2008


More pics of the boys just hanging out. Why not?

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Cal and Griffin continue to get along great! Cal is still thrilled to have a little brother and looks for his "baby" every morning when he wakes up and as soon as he gets home every day. He asks about him constantly and brings him all of his things from around the house. Mom and dad are really excited that he is not showing signs of jealousy yet.

Griffin is settling into a good routine. While we still get up for the 3-4 a.m. feeding, he did sleep 7 hours one night and 6 another. We hope that's a good sign of things to come. He is gaining weight like crazy and weighed 8 lb 12 oz at his two week check-up. He is starting to lift his head up and squirm around more.

Cal is also doing great and talking up a storm. We are starting to understand more and more of it but a lot is still jibberish. He is obsessed with "basketball" and generally loves being outside, like most boys. His favorite book is the Bible which he requests by name. He loves books and we read a lot. He also loves the drop down DVD player in daddy's new car and asks for "more" of it whenever we get in it. So far we only watch Baby Einstein DVD's but that will probably change soon.

So far all is well in new baby-land, and we're looking forward to extended sleep hours as Griffin gets older and bigger.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Griffin enjoyed a yummy lasagna dinner courtesty of friends Meredith and Matt. Milk for dessert, of course.