Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I don't think I even knew what those words meant 2.5 years ago how times have changed. When our nanny Rebeca left in January we faced a tough decision - was Griff ready for day care? Were mom and dad ready to give up help at the house right when session was getting started? Could we manage Cal coming home (even for partial days?). We did what all smart people do - we improvised. We knew everyone was happiest with Cal in day care full time - Shauna could affirm that if we had any doubt. Griff was ready for day care but mom and dad weren't - with legislative session getting underway, we felt like we needed MORE help at home instead of less. But how could we afford it? Along came Mike's friend Katherine McLane and her new baby, Jack. Jack is now joining us for a nanny-share arrangement at our house with our new nanny, Kristin. She takes care of both of them every day except Friday when Jack enjoys some quality time with his momma. Jack is a newborn from right around Turkey Day 2008. He is adorable and Griffin loves him. He is affectionately known as "Baby Jack." Getting bigger every day, he is a super sweet baby. We love watching him grow and Griffin loves to read to him (see pics). Kristin is doing a great job with both boys which is sometimes a harrowing experience. Huge pat on the back to her! Fun pics here.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Here are some fun phots we took of the boys for Valentine's Day. Cal actually got pretty excited this year because he figured out that candy was somehow involved. I've also included a few random photos of the boys just being boys for fun. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


We had our first true sleepover when cousin Russell came to visit for several days without his mom & dad. Grama & Bippy were in town and took the boys during the day. They made a trip to the Safari Wildlife Park near San Antonio. The boys liked the petting zoo but in the safari park, some of the animals came right up to the car window which freaked Cal out to say the least. He was fine by the time he got home but the grandparents reported a high panic factor in the car. Anyway, the boys had a great time together and especially enjoyed bedtime stories with Grama at night. We hope it's the start of a regular tradition for the cousins.