Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cal the Cow had a great Halloween. His nanny, Jessie (in photo with Cal), took him to the Halloween parade at the pre-school where her sister works. That night we went to a neighbor's Halloween party after the trick or treaters got their fill. Next year will be a little more fun when Cal can eat all the candy himself.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

It still feels like yesterday when Cal came home from the hospital. But it has been three full months and he is a growing boy. He has full control of his head now and is grabbing and reaching for things all the time. He babbles and giggles a lot and is full of smiles. He rolls easily from front to back and has rolled from back to front but not as often. He loves to stand up - with a little help - and wants to be walking already! He still loves his activity mat and is starting to spend some time in the Jumparoo even though his feet barely touch the ground. He tries to sit up a lot and can sit with support but not quite on his own yet.

He is a very happy guy most of the time and only cries when he is hungry or very sleepy. He weighs 12 pounds and is up to 24 inches long now! We can't believe how big he is getting. He is still breastfeeding - mom takes her pump with her to work and brings home milk every night (along with the bacon!). He is eating a lot lately and getting some formula, too, at most meals. He still sleeps 9-10 hours at night although he would prefer to do it in the swing instead of the crib. We are still working on that part but getting closer....

Here are some photos of the many faces of Cal at 3 months.

The time flew by and mom had to go back to work on October 18 - just when she felt like she was getting the hang of it. Cal's nanny Jessie started coming to the house to take care of him while mom and dad are out bringing home the bacon. It was a tough transition and we are still getting used to only seeing our little guy a few hours a day. He loves his Jessie though and she takes great care of him. She takes great notes so mom and dad can keep up with what is going on and feel like they were there. Here are a couple of shots of Cal just chillin' at the house.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cal survived his first road trip over the first week of October. He was 10 weeks old at the time and traveled like a champ. He loves to sleep in the car and made it so easy on mom and dad. We enjoyed a few relaxing days in Hot Springs where we stayed with Nana Claire and (not so) Big Daddy Wayne on the lake. Uncle David & Aunt Christine made a visit and we got some great family photos.

A trip to Arkansas is not complete without a visit to Mike's hometown of Pine Bluff. We made a day trip there and Cal got to meet his Uncle Tommy at Pinky & Tommy's store. He wooed all the ladies there, too. We stopped for lunch at the Snow White Grill where Mike's cousin Lyle stopped by to say hello. What a fun day!

The highlight of Cal's trip was getting to meet both of his great-grandmothers at the same time. They live in the same nursing home in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. It was worth the high price of gasoline to watch them fall in love with Cal. He turned on the charm and the joy on their faces says it all. He hopes to be back soon.

Texas-OU Football game weekend in Dallas 2006

Cal got to meet his cousin Russell ("Q," as we call him) for the first time and his Aunt Amy Phillips. He also got to see his Grama and Grampy Phillips who were also in town for the game and a mini-Phillips Family reunion. Sadly for all of the other Phillipses, Q's manhandling of Cal was NOT predictive of the game outcome. The Horns were victorious again this year making Cal's trip complete.

We spent the last night of the trip at the Four Seasons in Las Colinas where Mike was staying for a conference. Turns out Cal enjoys livin' the life - I think he gets that from his mom. After that, mom and Cal headed home to Austin where Cal continues to sleep 9 hours a night.....yay!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Cal is still primarily breastfeeding but he is also getting some formula when he is extra hungry (which has been most of the time since he hit 6 weeks). He is a messy boy and is learning to sit patiently in his Bumbo Chair while mom fixes his formula. Cal likes him some food!!

PLAY TIME - Cal loves to spend time on his activity mat and can keep himself busy up to 30 minutes at a time doing it. He likes to talk to the hanging animals and kicks and grabs them the whole time. Mom likes to take a shower while he does this. :0)

GRANDPARENT VISITS - Both Grama and Grampy Phillips and Nana Claire visited and helped babysit over the last couple of weeks. Mom and dad were happy to have some time off and haven't missed a home UT game yet this season...Here's a photo of Cal and Nana Claire hanging out.

FIRST ROUND OF SHOTS - We got to go back to the doctor for our first round of shots and a check up at 2 months. He started out big but now is squarely in the 25th percentile for his age in height, weight and head circumference. The doc says this is great and being proportionate is the most important thing. Cal was a brave little guy but didn't like getting his shots - he cried for a few seconds and then settled right down. He was a little fussy and needy that night but felt fine the next day.

TWO MONTHS OLD - Cal is 2 months old now and getting stronger every day. His pediatrician was amazed how strong his neck was and how well he does with his "tummy time" - important so he can learn to crawl and walk later. He still doesn't like to do it for more than a few minutes but that is an improvement from when he started screaming the minute he hit the mat. Here's a photo of us practicing tummy time.