Thursday, April 26, 2007

9 MONTHS - Cal is a very active 9 month old. He cruises everywhere and is on the verge of walking any day now. He is into everything - including the dishwasher. What a fun place to play. He loves his walker toy and his mom and dad. It won't be long now til he is off and running....

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cal had a great Easter and got to meet the bunny for the first time. He wasn't scared a bit and reached out to grab the bunny during our photo! He loved checking out all the toys and candy in his basket but didn't really think Peeps were much to write home about. He also enjoyed reading all his cards from relatives.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Cal enjoys playdates with his friends. Roman Edwards joined us on Good Friday since his day care as closed but mom still had to work during the legislative session. Roman is just a few months older than Cal but quite a few pounds heavier. He tried his best to manhandle Cal but we think he held his own.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Cal got outside to enjoy the spring bluebonnets in Austin. He doesn't like to get his feet in the grass much but enjoys admiring the scenery.