Meroney Brothers Memories - The life and times of Cal & Griffin Meroney
Welcome to the Meroney Brothers website where we will share photos and videos of Cal and Griff Meroney. Read from the bottom up to go in chronological order as the most recent posts will appear at the top. Be sure to bookmark the site and check back for more udpates - mom tries to make them every other week or so! And don't forget to post your comments - we would love to hear from you, too, and see who is reading. Thanks for visiting! Shannon & Mike
Saturday, July 28, 2007
We took the family to Tyler for mom's 20th high school reunion in late July. Nana and Big Daddy were sweet enough to meet us there and babysit Cal for the weekend. They had tons of fun including Cal's first trip to the zoo. Fortunately, the Tyler zoo is a great one! Here are some fun pics of their trip.
Friday, July 27, 2007
MORE CAKE, PLEASE! Cal knew just what to do with the cake at the friends birthday party after the family went home. We hosted 12 kids + parents and some kidless friends, too. We had the first sunny day without rain in more than a week which was really convenient since it was a swimming party. Momma's pregnant belly was in full view in her swimsuit - baby #2 will be here in 6 months!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
We had two parties for the big birthday. Both sides of Cal's family came in for the weekend to celebrate so the first party was family only. Cal loved the cake his mom made for him and promptly put his foot in it. He then ate every last bite along with ice cream. He must have gotten his love of cake from his momma...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007