Meroney Brothers Memories - The life and times of Cal & Griffin Meroney
Welcome to the Meroney Brothers website where we will share photos and videos of Cal and Griff Meroney. Read from the bottom up to go in chronological order as the most recent posts will appear at the top. Be sure to bookmark the site and check back for more udpates - mom tries to make them every other week or so! And don't forget to post your comments - we would love to hear from you, too, and see who is reading. Thanks for visiting! Shannon & Mike
Friday, December 25, 2009
WE'RE BACK! Sort of.
So I am wayyy behind on keeping up with the blog. But I swear I will not let it beat me! I am starting over (again) with Christmas 2009 - that way I'm only a few months behind instead of 6. I will go back and fill in the fall once I get caught up. Deal? Deal.
So...Christmas was fabulous. We spent Christmas Day at home in Austin and then went to OKC to hang with the Phillips clan. The boys were overloaded with presents, of course. Most were focused on a car/truck theme, frequently with Lightning McQueen from "Cars" (Disney movie that is their favorite). Cal asked for and got his first scooter which he got on and rode immediately without any instruction. He might actually like the helmet, knee pads and elbow pads the most. Griff got a "ride-on" car which he loves. They got lots of various pushable cars & trucks, and letter learning toys. One of Griff's faves was a Bob The Builder Jack In The Box. They both loved the "Glo-writer" from Aunt Christine & Uncle David - the new version of an Etch-a-Sketch. Cal also asked for rollerskates but his legs weren't quite strong enough to hold him up so we put them away for a while. These are photos of Christmas Day at our house. I'm also including some photos of a party at our friends Sue & Ed Harris' house a few days before Christmas where the boys had lots of fun playing in the rocks next to the patio. !? There are also some photos of us at church on Christmas Eve and making gingerbread men for Santa which I messed up and made out of gingerbread cake. They were super tall but no one seemed to care.